Thursday, 29 October 2009

Arlo~ I am back..~

I have been missing about 1 and a half month never come my blog liao lo~ Haha.. Cause no time and busy for my life ma~ Last time working more free than now le...Anyway today i come back and update one for my own blog lo~

Today is 29 October 2009 Thursday. Outside is almost raining lo~ can hear some thunder sound lo...This 1 and a half month happens a lot of things, make me crazy, sad, happy, nervous, and many many more. I hope i can pass thru by very safe and easier way.

Have been wait about 1 month and half. When the time RB back i was most happiest during the month. Unfortunately only back for 3 days 2 night. But all the activities is full and pack. On friday night RB back from Singapore, reached KL is around 1am at midnight lo, then We go eat Fatty Chicken before go back, after the supper we direct back home and rest.

The night is fantastic after the bath, and it gone thru happily until next day morning. Morning time i wake up on 8.30am on the morning then prepare to cook some food for RB. I was buying some grapes before i came, so during the food preparation I bring out the grape and we eat happily on the bed. After that, the food is ready to cook then i ready all the things and start to cook then. The cooking process is about 20 mins and its ready to eat by then. I feel it is nice because that was my first time to cook Mian Xian for people eat. Lucky the Mian Xian is very nice and both of us finish all the Mian Xian and the soup as well.

After that have some rest then we going to bath together and ready to go out for activities. We go post office check something, then go Jalan Ipoh for my car, and turn to PJ Digital Mall buy Hard disk and PSP batteries. We feel hungry after the shopping then go Pizza Hut eat 2 Pizza and wings as well. After that, we direct go to Jusco Maluri to buy something important to bring back Singapore. As we plan the dinner is start on 7.30 but due to too many things to buy in Jusco so we rush back on 6.30pm. After the bath and we go out again for dinner.

To be continue >>>

Monday, 24 August 2009



Schools (Other):
s.m.j.k.yuk choy ~~~ olympia collage~~NTNU OF TAIWAN~~lLIMKOKWENG~(now)
Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology, Attended 2007 - Present, Class of 2011, Bachelor's Degree, business in international國立台灣師範大學, Attended 2005 - 2006, Class of 2007, Other
Hobbies and Interests:
Favorite Books:
Favorite Movies:
Favorite Music:
R&B, jAsS, and the song i make~~~ha
Favorite TV Shows:
Zodiac Sign:

About Me:
★老了...沒什麼記性。MSN久了沒聊﹐不要怪我^^我也 是故意要忘記的~★
☆那些喜歡盜照來冒充的...你媽把你生得什麼鬼樣~所 以不敢以自己真面目示人。還是你窮得沒錢買相繼﹖
☆★我很花心..因為我愛的人很多..呵呵..有我媽﹐我妹 聖﹐我老死胖君﹐megamiyuki(仁仁)..還有我所有的朋友 。
★☆我家裡很窮..吃飯都有問題 了...怎麼可能有手機號碼呢﹖(真的假的也好..總之就别要問了^^)我只有MSN。
☆★什麼幹哥幹妹的... = =﹐年輕的小妹妹..不要和我玩什麼幹哥哥幹妹妹游戲 ..我不想和你砍雞頭﹐燒黃紙結義金蘭 = = 幹哥...人家好想你哦..(這些話會害我把以前在媽媽肚 裡面的羊水都吐出來...所以拜託...不要~﹗﹗)
★★MSN視訊我會開的..不過不是你決定..別一直吵﹕開啦 ...一下就好了 = = 我會害羞的。所以等我臉皮厚一點的時候我一定開的^ ^
★☆不要轉發那些[不轉發你媽媽就會死]的無聊信件給 ﹗﹗幹你娘﹗你不想你媽死﹐難道別人又想啊﹗傳這 些給我的全家死﹗


12.02 Pm肚子饿~ 很快,不懂zomok~

Wednesday, 19 August 2009


今天是星期3 ~ 近近的~

呼~ 又回来了,最近的我怪怪~不知道在搞什么飞机 =.=1~
最近我感觉很空虚,是什么原因呢? 自己也不知道?我只知道我不知道我自己要什么?在找的是什么,希望的是什么,渴望的是什么,想要的是什么?什么跟什么~ 我很废~ 哈哈。就是废才上来看看我可爱的部落格。

说回来,最近的我不像以前那么的多姿多彩,生活总有玩不完的活动。可能那时的朋友,时间,经济状况跟现在不一样吧~但是现在的我比以前更加勇敢疯狂,无形的魄力让我去做很多事情是之前不敢也不会做的~ 只知道现在跟之前的我,有着非常大的改变。是年龄逐渐长大的关系吗?我想是吧~

以前从星期1就开始想星期5要做什么,去哪里玩,星期5就已经决定好周末要去哪里hiao。现在是星期1要想星期2会不会很忙,星期5又想周末要在家做什么。就没有特别想去哪里的说?除非我的爱人约我出去阿,不然都呆在家跟MSN朋友讲无聊的话题一整天。还有就是最近迷上了台湾偶像剧--- 《终极三国》 对我来说,我觉得这部连续剧真的很不错,我跟我朋友很喜欢,因为很搞笑最重要是他们也很废。适合我们这种废惯了的人。如果你有兴趣,去google打这部戏来看看他的介绍。真的不错的说,所以才介绍你~
我需要滋润~ 最近缺乏营养~

戈丹 上~
零九年八月十九~ 对了我妈生日要到了的说~要怎样让她开心呢~

Friday, 31 July 2009


今天早上起身后冲好凉发现我的室友也起身了,他好像是特地起身准备早餐给他的爱人吃,哦。好幸福哦~就这样我又有的吃了,他准备了一片三文鱼面包给我,跟他爱人的面包比起来好像差很远/.\ ,哈哈其实是我来不急等他准备了。就昨晚很早睡啊,十一点半就上床了,可能也是很累的关系吧!

托勒两个月说要搬的公司,最后终于被肯定了,善后的工作好吵,不过这也难怪因为大家都最后一天了吗就拍照阿,吃东西啊,就这样我的嘴又有口福了,哈哈,一位同事拿了印度煎饼跟三文治和小饼干给我吃, 我也不客气地把它吃完,然后又独自继续着我的工作~

明天是星期六,但是还是要来公司收拾我的东西让搬运工人把我的东西搬去新公司~ 好惨哦,人家还想睡迟一点呢~怎么这样啊。讨厌!

今天我感觉怪怪的,不知道怎么说,复杂~ 好像我的生活少了什么? 爱情吗?还是很久没有出去玩了,忘了怎么去开心了~

戈丹~ 环境很吵。

Wednesday, 22 July 2009





戈丹 饿。

Friday, 17 July 2009


今天我没吃午餐,就吃些小零食过时间,最近一只想增肥,结果好像真的肥了,而是肥的很不BALANCE ,好像只肥肚子E 。之前辛苦练的平肚子突然又涨了起来。不怎么好看,看来要加紧继续练了。因为不是去专业健身房练,所以效果不怎么样,就只能看起来不会肿胀就好。其实这样已经很好看了,因为之前有段时间都在喝酒,所以肚子就这么出来啦。现在要收回去好难啊!

今天又是一个人做工的日子,好无聊,好累,没人跟我说话, 也不知道要说什么。就这样一直很安静的过,隔壁的同事有时会过来八卦,满好人的。哈哈。

昨天很早就睡觉了,可是半夜突然起来,就肚子痛阿。之后吃了风沙丸才好下来。就这样迷迷糊糊的坐在沙发直到入睡。早上起来就比较好了,不敢乱吃东西啦。半夜想睡不能谁简直是想大喊 XXX..!!

今天是星期五,做工好轻松,好喜欢这种感觉。 压力不大~ 爽!!等下回去不知道要吃什么?就什么都想吃啊!哈,心情好吗~

戈丹 ~

Thursday, 16 July 2009



戈丹 觉~

Tuesday, 14 July 2009


2009 年 7 月14 日。。上班中,午餐时间。有爱心饭盒吃。

上个星期六帮我的BRO庆祝生日,买了少少的塞酒跟啤酒一HIGH。结果还真的HIGH到不行, 吐咯!辛苦。不敢了。第二天睡到下午又匆匆忙忙去朋友的生日派队,虽然看起来很多活动但是好像不怎么开心。是因为钱吗?爱情吗?事业吗?其实都关系到少少。


其实我有自己的计划,不过需要存到钱后才能开始,我不要向家人拿,因为自己的钱就会更加努力去珍惜跟善用。就像做一个小生意阿,自己当老板,租个档位卖卖小东西,看到Sungai Wang跟 Times Square开了这么多档卖东西,都应该会赚钱吧,只是看你怎么去推销。我有自己做生意的看法所以要真正去体验才知道,不然都是纸上谈兵。作生意不容易,必须做好充分的准备才能开始不然就送钱给人了,还是血汗钱那种。

突然脑海很乱,要怎么开始呢? 还是等一个人安静下来再慢慢思考。

戈丹 上 下午四点二十六分。

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Due Date.. Remember myself..attention as well..

21/6/2009 Sunday... Hot weather..Haven Lunch..堕落的下午。。没地方去。。

This afternoon suddenly my mind pop up some memory..Now i gonna write down all this to remember myself..what is going on.. "Ppl" will know me...


See her profile in axxxxt

Add her in Msn

1st time meet and watch horror movie Coming Soon

Start to find her everyday never miss, never stop, even time stop.
i wont stop to appear in front of her

Nervous, 1st time hold hand but only around 15 mins, even short i was happy!

1st time Sing k, only 2 of us..staff ask are us couple.. I was happy

2nd movie Night At The Museum, I book Twin seat, We enjoy the movie

Caunnaught Pasar Malam, I hate..This is the last time we meet and go pasar malam

No reply me for my every meesage send to her

Reply me at midnight in MSN We are END

Message me we a fren first, No mood.. whole day like no soul..

10/6/2009 1st time meet in S2
12/6/2009 Out together in Pavillion n lunch in outside Low yat
13/6/2009 Together, very fast.. correct ? i dont know..just follow the feeling
16/6/2009 Hold hand in the car, I was active
19/6/2009 1st time Kiss in car with surrounded many ppl.. Geng..cant believe
21/6/2009 Know her birthday 25/sep/xxxx

even sad at the time but i was able to recover with new face, am i a playboy or she is playgirl as well ? Wont she have any good memory of us? I dont know, I dont even understand. I was sad during whole May. i just wonder did she have the same feeling with me. Or did i do anything wrong ? no ppl know, i also dont know and haven get the answer until now.? Am i bad.until leave me without any reason. Se is so unresponsible to love. Tears come out soon..
I am Bad, I was scared as well. No answer given to me..

03-16pm Home Alone.. In the room..Hot..Hungry..lonely..nobody know..
my laptop accompany i love my laptop so much..every week i must help him clean the whole body ..

Saturday, 20 June 2009


20/6/2009 堕落的下午~!!


呵呵。不知道他们怎么发现的? 我是在一个朋友的BLOG发现的。


Thursday, 18 June 2009

My lunch ...

18/6/2009 Durian smell within whole house..Yiak..^^

.......Pandan Kaya.......

This Pandan Kaya match with Gardenia Bread memang sedap lo, but i eat this thing everyday . Even it is very nice but now feel geli liao.. i think i eat bread and pandan kaya almost 1 month lo.

i have reason because it save time and fast ma. u know right, afternoon sun was so so freaking hot. my collegue sometime ask me...Are u okay..? everyday eat same things..haha..then i reply because i was 专一 ..he just laugh there..

But in real world am i really 专一? i m not sure as well.

So next time when u see this kaya pandan go buy 1 bottle sure u will like it d ~n must choose gardenia bread. wakaka.

Gordon.. 11-30pm.. eating

Friday, 12 June 2009

Relationship "Love" is hard for me...

12/6/2009 02.00pm Cool not because of weather is because of air-con -.-1 Walao..
'Respect the relationship' just learn it from some one else!A true relationship does't easy to get it or catch it!when u have it u does't care it,that was human life just such as step by step until the relationship is end,you regret you sad or others but this is all did by ur own self.u have found a love in the million of people even that is not ur 'true' love but it atleast a person that u have really love before,the short moments even unhappy or happy after a long time it will be a sweet memory.In human heart everyone have a lock and caring a key to found thier own key and a lock that really suitable for ur key!i think everyone should hear a fairy tales story before,'cinderella'.A story that we really need to learn from them!A girl who name cinderella really find his own key and the love,the true love 'the prince'.Every story have the started and the ending!The relationship that we have now or in the feture it may a short moments a forever but if u have did a wrong step,the realationship will be disappear ir ur life!Respect the relationship when u have if not u will be regret in the future.

Love is hard for me, i dont know why and cant understand how it is going on. This few start from 8/6/2009 i was sad with some reason. Today is day5 , we stop contact for 5days, i was sad but i cant impress my emotion to my friends, because in front of them i was always independent and no need reliable to any things? This time i was lose.. because i use real heart to handle at the end i get is only memory. Sweet memory i dont think so, Bad memory? sometimes it was happy too. Anyway, Learn from mistake and dont make it happen again.

People always said, If you use real heart to meet ppl, then you will get back what u want. I was confuse with this, and i have a solution. Not everything in this world if u using ur own heart to meet ppl then you will get back with good result, sometime its is cruel but we dont know. Anyway within this period, lucky i having a lot good fren they help me to stop all those bad memory and give me comment, i know i should not continue, but who can fully control his feeling to stop at any time, i need time to slow down, down and down. I dont know i need to be alone for how long, just face all the relationship with same level. I dont want to be hurt as well i dont wish hurt people too..

02.35pm Sapura synergy ~

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Mothers Day~ life in Kampung Paloh

12/5/2009 Life life life.. be happy ...~ ^^ 02.35 pm

Haha just come back from Paloh and mothers day. This year i didn send any birthday card for my mum because i back personally with full of love ^^ haha..geli ye...Even is only like that my mum was very happy because she can see her granddaughter. Early in the morning she was busy prepared delicious food for us ...haha..very nice lo...cause quite long time didn back so she will specially buy something different from KL then cook for us. For examples, Pig heart la. walao..very nice lo, cook with ginger then moutain Pig also..quite different taste than normal pig mayb they moving around everyday so their meat more ...more.. how to say..hard explain le..u call me la i tell phone number 012-7066750 .. dont cant at midnight la..then i bite u ~ like Moutain Pig ..Scared ma ..~wakaka...

Then after that have a rest, automatically call by frens go walk walk in Kluang parade which is new open shopping centre quite big but nothing also compare with KL. So just moving around the parade then suddenly see some promotion booth available in the centre court . then we just go and have a sell many related things about mothers day le.. like message chair then Wok for cooking now high tech le use electric d ..more safe lo..and then got Flower booth also...before that no people then after we buy 1 suddenly the booth become crowded dont know why mayb people was curious about that. The booth suddenly many people then the auntie also busy wrapping the flower, i m the first who buy 1 KAN NAI XING for my mum, is a red color quite beautiful compare with others color sucha s pink( hate la) - can not tahan , then purple also...look ok la..but i prefer red ..more colorful ma..haha..then delay here delay there 8 pm we all only back home tired le..

After that reach home then we cut the cake together with my grandmom because she was coming too for dinner .. quite happy then i have a camara and take some picture. we all smile very happy^^...haiyo..after dinner then cut cake, very full le ..anyway i didn eat cause i dont like eat cake..few can la..whole pieces want die le.. too oily. dont like..

After that dont know do what , ia lso forgot liao..mayb walk here walk there then... ppl ask me yamcha ...that time dont know what didn join. then time pass very fast already lo..then its time to sleep lo^^ yeah..

After that early in the morning wake up after lunch we go kluang agin but this time different i go with my mum cause have to celebrate Mothers Day also with my another grandmother then rush to buy a cake and 1 bottle of Mix juice the party is start, whole process quite boring but no choice la.. i year once ma..sit a while time will pass very fast d .,.then around 1 hour sit there walao..bum pain i ask my mum say wanna back liao..then we back paloh immediately, Oh ya before that we go look around the new house in kluang very beautiful and big also..for now cant afford buy 1 time i buy 1 roll.. easy nia la.. small case $$ only ^^ wakaka..

Then reach paloh liao..i start prepare my things before back Kl. then also many things to bring, biscuit la.. fruits la.. all zabulong things become whole car full liao..haha..never mind la can save $$ in Kl ma no need buy^^ haiyo..kesian le..around 10.30 finally we reach Kl lo..then On9 a while ma ZZzz lo..Sienz.. if not tomoro wake up like tick wif bed can move le ..Lazy work ^^So the weekend for my Mothers Day have been pass very fast and memory^^ ..dont know when can back next time liao..ok la...share wif urs next time ...muaks,.

2009/5/12 02.51pm office sapura

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Miss ing or Missing

5/5/2009 Tuesday X.XX pm...Sienz

Wuhah !~ I coming back liao... So tired le...Everyday work didn work also tired...feel wanna sleep but when the time on the bed my eyes so big !~ ..what the going on..??
* My fren say those pregnant woman like to sleep..-.-1 hah.....walao..E... dont want..Disgust..

Today Is Tuesday still few days to go only can rest. Haiya never mind, very fast d ...haha...
My job scoop just sit in front of table then answer reply Email..walao so sienz + choice la.. $$ $$ lagi sien + boring feel want die...haha. So sometime i will walk around for no reason those ppl look at me like i am crazy..but never mind ^^ better i sit too long my bum become so auntie just give birth -.-1... So for those office ppl.. dont sit too long o ..not good for healthy also..

Haha.. Haiya that day go Poppy .. Walao E.. Drink Dewar..because no choice...anyway can drink then enough liao..i just want the kick..Go there because 1 of my fren birthday then go there relax..So funny la..i bring 1 38 po go..haha..anyway this is her first time. so we are enjoying the music , the people who dance very well.. big breast, pretty woman.. not pretty also have ..anything things la...all over there..but we Clubbing it very fun.. at that time i didn bring any photo so cant clearly tell you what is the picture at the club. After few hours, Finish liao, then we go Eat CHAO ZHOU Porridge..Quite nice ant cut the special Cake ^^ not ice cream but using those box special design for ice-cream..haha.. no choice ma..those box stay longer..Then still got people help us sing birthday song g=fun!! then only the birthday girl eat the cake because its freaking full liao..if eat again i think i will Vomit lo...then not nive liao..haha. After that all balik rumah..dont say too much liao..

The day after , haiyo I wake up so early for some reason..i think i slowly sot tired but dont want sleep..-.-1 never mind la..this is me ..then go find a fren like tht..long story la..tell u when i see you ..

My life just pass like this..
Not enough la..i must Improve..^^..

5/5/2009 03.13pm The mines, Sapura...

Friday, 10 April 2009

I m Back...Happy, Moody, Yeah.. is 10/4/2009 Friday night 10pm later wanna go makan with friend...but dont feel like very happy. These few days a bit moody, why ? Mayb i was too boring and nothing to do...But almost getting start work lo..A big big company.

Tomoro one of my fren birthday? Dont know what to buy for her? Also haven decide what to do le..wakaka... see first la.. she`s birthday ma..let her decide la.. Anyway we can go play then very happy la ...

next week I belibe i will go genting But i feel very happy and waiting for the day coming because i gonna go with a good fren. He treat me watch concert a malaysian singer ..i think gua..? for my memory he is malaysian. anyway we will go genting and having fun around there...wuhah.Genting ..I m Coming ...wait me ...

hahaz...Actually i haven attend any concert b4. dont laugh a ..cause never have a we know a ticket for concert it needs lowest 50+ bucks . For me buy a CD more value right. haha..if everybody think like me ...all concert have to close down lo...wakaka..

Dont know u like buffet or not..for me i quite positive to buffet because it have multi choice of food so i just get what i like and enjoy it on my seat and listen the song. I go a japanese buffet once its name is Jogoya. first time going there is my birthday, all my good fren goign with me total is 5 people wahah.and is a supper buffet. Its enough for me because we enjoy the food very happy. I like ice-cream but not too much after that is small-steamboat with small lobster. Its really a lots of food ...wish to eat every item in a i just get and get and get none stop at the end have to finish it...wanna die at that time time not dare ...sorry to the food ^^ hehez..sound like SAN BA LAO ....hahaz..anyway we all very happy..its good ...

ok lo..coming blog will be post...

gordon !!~
10/4/09 2217 ^^!!~

Friday, 3 April 2009




Monday, 30 March 2009

Food Corner ^^

Wuhah!! Yesterday my friend going to Eat a japanese restaurant in SOHO KL name it TENJI !!

Tenji is a concept restaurant as japanese buffet esay to say brother`s of JOGOYA !! My favourate japanese buffet ...

Suddenly feel like going there have a look, My freind tell me there is a promotion for supper at only RM39++ Its super 袋设(Cantonese ) haha...

There are some photo which i search in a googles blog From a photographer which name is Adrian.the picture quite nice for me give a very clear idea for the place ...

Not only they are provide fabulous buffet..the mlost important for me is their atmosphere..
A very good place for couple stick there and have a very romantic time...

It feel happiness u feel as well..? haha...

Hey fren...lest find a date and going there . i cant wait anymore ^^!!

KNow more

i like makan topic stop here ...
see u ^^!!~~


Saturday, 28 March 2009









Thursday, 26 March 2009

My day..

Yeah..Blogging time...

Just go to Proton Service center wallet pay a number of 50 something to heal those stupid break down reason...haiz..but..never mind, now my car turn back to normal lo...i can go where i like without any worries..

Dont know what happen today i have lots of mood wanna cook somethings for my self we call it
" Mian Hun Kuei " in johor and there is another name in KL ..its name are " Ban Mian " the ingredients just a very normal Flaour but can produce fantastic delicious food in just few minutes time...

i already finish the dough and it shall wait for few hours to have better taste...

anyway there is my food planning for today...
i will upload some Specialty Ban mian after i dont miss the chance to have a look and give me some comments ...

ok lo..its preparing time...see you all....muaks

To B continue,
Gordon !!~
16:38 ....

Today Start My E-Blogger

Now..Early in the morning ...aroung 3:19am from my computer time..

just get some info about this blogger on the net suddenly feeeeeel that i shall start my Blog too..

Just back from Cyberjaya^^ with a very tired feeling ^^..anyway i will work hard to do this well...believe me ^^ ok..

TO be continue....

Gordon !!~