Thursday, 30 June 2011

Hmm.. Sad to see this... but whats your opinion?

I saw this message from 1 of my friend. I like the way he talk. Straight forward....

看到马来西亚政府为近两百万名外劳进行漂白.意思是,非法的,合法的,只要没有犯罪记录,就能成为公民.看到了么? 这就是他们的手段,因为他们很清楚已经失去人民的票.所以就利用这些外劳的无知去增加自己的票数....这个国家还不够烂么? 这个国家的庸才还不够多么?这个国家的傻B是还筹不够数么?这国家的回教还不能组成恐怖组织么?这么无耻的政党,首相,国家领导人. 没有人觉得很恶心么? 我很期待大选的到来.因为我相信很多无耻卑鄙的情节即将上映.我很相信NAJIB 这个BABI不会这么容易的拱手相让他能贪污受贿的职位.大家敬请期待 . ^_^ BTW~ 我已经立志放弃马来西亚国际.因为, it's fucking shame when im said im malaysian. 我不稀罕这么没设计感的蓝色身份证. 而且品质很烂~再说或许我会被带去反贪局,然后我会很自然的跳楼身亡咯


Why Malaysia with become like that? Leaving Malaysia until now almost 1.5 year and just 1.5 year in Singapore I already think not to go back Malaysia already.

Who knows what will happen tomorrow. Most important I cheer my self up. Family happy and stay together will be the best ....

Gordon 7.30pm
Still in Office.

Monday, 20 June 2011

My Money Sense by Andy Ong

Recently I found a blog which turn me on for Property Investment, Mr. Andy Ong share a lot of tips that really helps. I going to start my Millionare Jouney!! Wait me~ ...

Down there is COPY and PASTE only, for those of my friends considering buying or selling your properties... Let share share...

Friday, June 17, 2011:
Condo demand comes off! It’s all about future demand, dear!

Hi guys! I am writing this on the plane heading back from China. The last few days have been very fruitful as we looked at various opportunities.

The recent press articles highlighting the sharp slowdown in demand for private homes have certainly reinforced my lack of enthusiasm for residential properties, especially mass market condos. The key is that demand will taper off in line with the government’s cooling measures. This sector also happens to be where the government can release more land to increase supply. I am really not surprised that the take up rate is not that strong.

Prices will hold for the time being as developers are well capitalized at this point. They can hold out for prices that they want. They have bided for very expensive land and they are not likely to take a loss. It will be a tug of war for the next few months and it will be interesting how everything will pan out.

For now, for those of you still in the market, please be very careful of what you are going to acquire.

Hahahaha.. Condo? is it the best properties to invest at todays environment, how about in future? Will it be still high demand as well?

Another 1 ~
Thursday, June 16, 2011
‘Anomaly Investing’ – Concept, Theory and Execution

Many investors assume the markets are efficient. However, in reality, inefficiencies are the rule rather than the oddity. Just imagine, there are inefficiencies in the equity markets even though armies of analysts, investors and other professionals are carefully scrutinizing the various securities on offer. However, there are countless opportunities that slip through the crack. You will find that the best performing counters are companies which ‘fall under the radar screen’.
Now apply the same to the property market, but take note that the available information for the real estate sector is sketchy and even valuations are estimates at best. I have gained 30% on a property 2 months after I bought it even though the original purchase went through a formal valuation. There are countless opportunities abound only you bother to do some in depth research.

What do I mean by ‘Anomaly Investing’? I look for impending economic trends that will benefit certain sectors but prices have not caught up with future demand. Many investors compete to buy real estate because everyone else is buying but the fact is that many are enamoured with current demand and more often than not over pay.

I do agree that executing such a strategy is tedious but I can assure you that it is extremely rewarding too. Just pulling off one deal can seal your financial future and secure you for life. My very first foray into property investing turned out to be an ‘over 1000%’ return on my initial investment. This is not a fluke as I have done this consistently. No doubt, now I buy maybe 1 asset a year at best but I do make it count. Be prepared to stick to your guns, and take a longer investment horizon and I can assure you that the rewards can be tremendous.

In fact, I have made far more on my property portfolio compared to the rest of the asset classes that I have invested in. It is not that they have not made money. My art, wine and corporate portfolios have all done well. But it is my property assets that really stand out.
I am writing this in the skies as I fly towards China from Bangkok. I will be going to a couple of cities for work. You have not heard from me for quite some time as I have been tied up (as usual). I am happy to report that tired as I may be, I am certainly happier than a couple of weeks ago.

Again, This post is COPY AND PASTE from which I found is useful for those investor dai go, Ah jie... Found it useful? please come back again~

Gordon Ethan
20 June 2011, Lunch Time